MEGAN MCARDLE: “I haven’t generated great interest in the Elena Kagan nomination. She’s a liberal, which is not exactly an unexpected feature in a candidate nominated by a Democratic president. Maybe she’s gay, but since I couldn’t tell you which of the other eight justices are married, or to whom, I can’t say I find this very interesting. She has no track record, the better to dodge uncomfortable questions. She’s a bit of a hypocrite. Out of this stuff, great blogging is not made. But I do think that David Brooks is onto something when he notes that her relentless careerism, her pitch-perfect blandness, are a little creepy. . . . What’s disturbing is that this is what our nomination process now selects for: someone who appears to be in favor of nothing except self-advancement. Then we complain when the most passionate advocates for ideas are the lunatic fringe.”