Meanwhile, reader Lisa Schell writes:

Watch the momentum on Stupak’s opponent’s facebook page. Dr. Dan Benishek is running against Stupak in Michigan. Check out the velocity of his growth since Stupak announced: Benishek for Congress

His membership is currently growing at a rate of about 20 new members every 30-60 seconds and incoming comments are fast and furious. People are begging him to set up his donation site so that they can start a money bomb.

Like the protester said yesterday, if you vote yes on the bill, we’ll vote no on you in November.

UPDATE: Reader Mark Kilian writes:

Dr. Benishek’s Facebook doesn’t yet have a pay button but his snail mail address is listed:

Benishek For Congress
802 Pentoga Trail
Crystal Falls, MI 49920

I literally couldn’t wait and I am heading to the mailbox to send my check tonight.

Wow. If that reaction is at all common, Stupak could come to regret this.