The group has already proven to be a thorn in the side of the dominant local Democratic Party. Chairman Jeff Rogers sent out a scathing press release last week, his second in recent months on the topic, saying the Republican Party has been taken over by radical “tea partiers.” Robert Mayer, the UA marketing student who formed the Tucson Tea Party group with Trent Humphries, quickly turned the attack into motivational fodder for the upcoming rally and for campaigning in favor of the Republican candidates for City Council.

“Jeff Rogers says that he is going to ‘call us out,’ ” Mayer said in an Internet message “I think it’s about time that we call him out, along with Nina Trasoff, Karin Uhlich, and their new candidate, Richard Fimbres.”

The “we” Mayer referred to is a collection of residents who say they were mostly politically quiet in the past but were prodded from their living rooms by federal bailouts and stimulus bills of the last two years.

Read the whole thing.