SAYUNCLE: “I see the crazy talk is back. It has come full circle. I remember the good old days when the New World Order Black Helicopter guys said the same thing about the first George Bush. Looks like a combo of the Prison Planet/Infowars/Truther crowd. Anyway, this is some world class silliness and no one should encourage them.”

Plus, the changing narrative: “First, this uptick in violence was blamed on guns. Then the NRA. Then right wing radio. Then a 911 operator. Now, it’s the economy.”

UPDATE: Weirdness from Glenn Beck, though Dan Riehl comments: “Contrary to Charles’s claim the audience as a whole is not eating it up.” But Beck seems to have taken the Olbermann slot in the opposition-cable ecosystem. Well, it worked out for Olbermann — though, of course, the mainstream treated Olbermann as a serious player, not a nut.