MICHAEL WOLFF: Barack Obama Is A Terrible Bore:

Sheesh, the guy is Jimmy Carter.

That homespun bowling crap on Jay Leno, followed by the turgid, teachy fiscal policy lecture, together with the hurt defensiveness (and bad script for it) that everybody in Washington “is Simon Cowell… Everybody’s got an opinion,” is pure I’m-in-over-my-head stuff. Even the idea of having to go on Jay Leno to rescue yourself from the AIG mess is lame. Be a man, man.

The guy just doesn’t know what to say. He can’t connect. Emotions are here, he’s over there. He can’t get the words to match the situation.

This began, I’d argue, from the first moment. He punted on the inaugural. Everybody ran around like crazy trying to praise it because if Barack Obama couldn’t give a speech then what?

But now, at week 11, we’re face-to-face with the reality, the man can’t talk worth a damn. . . . It’s instructive and humorous to remember that Carter ran a brilliant campaign that succeeded largely because his voice was new. Simple, direct, basic, human. And then, of course, he turned into a sad-sack twit.

Some of us noticed these issues before the election. For the rest, there’s buyer’s remorse.

UPDATE: Related: “After a week in which President Obama thanked himself for inviting him to the White House, compared AIG executives to suicide bombers, and did the first Presidential retard joke on national TV, I was impressed to find that Slate is bravely keeping up its Bushism Of The Day feature.”

Even in small things, Obama’s promises of “change” aren’t panning out . . . .

ANOTHER UPDATE: Some thoughts on Bushisms. Plus, Ed Morrissey takes the territory that Slate has conceded by introducing the new Obamateurism Of The Day feature!

Plus: Chicago Tribune: Obama’s ‘Tonight Show’ gaffe one of many for president. As I mentioned, some of us had already noticed . . . .