THERE’S A NEW “AMERICAN TEA PARTY” SITE AND FACEBOOK PAGE UP, and you can also email information in about events you’re planning to . Plus this:

Please indicate:
– Date, Start Time and End Time, Location
– Purpose
– Who is sponsoring this event
– Photo is optional (198 x 126 pixels are ideal)

Although American Tea Party and PJTV will list some of the planned events and protests, we cannot vouch for their legitimacy.

Video at the site.

UPDATE: Rand Simberg thinks that “American Tea Party” would be a good name for a third party. Well, maybe.

Plus, a salary cap for Congress? Now there’s change I can believe in!

ANOTHER UPDATE: Rand Simberg emails: “Congressional pay is pretty low on the scale of my concerns. As I’ve noted in the past, I’d be happy to triple their pay, if they just wouldn’t come in to work…” Well, yeah. (Bumped).