BOINGBOING IS BANNED IN VARIOUS MIDDLE EASTERN COUNTRIES: Here’s some advice on how to get around the censorware, but since it’s on BoingBoing, and hence presumably blocked to the people who need it, I’m also reposting it below; I’m pretty sure the BoingBoing folks won’t mind. [LATER: Xeni Jardin emails: “Mind???? We’re thrilled!”] Click “read more” to read it.

What’s really lame is that these countries, which include Iran, are using filtering software made by a United States company to block content. Selling the rope, and all that.


“The Internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.” — John Gilmore

If your employer or corrupt, undemocratic, dictator-based government uses a filtering service such as Secure Computing’s SmartFilter to block access to, you can try the following workarounds:

  • Google can act as a lightweight, proxy-like tool for accessing forbidden sites — but don’t rely on this method for anonymity. Link.

  • The popular RSS reader Bloglines can offer lightweight help in some cases, too. Boing Boing reader Tom Jeziorny
    says, "I work for a BIG financial services company that apparently uses (not-so-) SmartFilter because BoingBoing has recently become a forbidden site. I use Bloglines as my RSS reader so that I can access the blogs I read from work and home. It turns out that Bloglines is acting as sort of a proxy, since it connects to your RSS feed and not my computer, I’m still able to read BoingBoing at work. Since you publish the full text of your entries in your feeds I’m not missing much, though any photos linked directly from your site are edited out."

  • A group called Peacefire created proxy software called Circumventor to bypass censorware. Install this software on your home computer and allow others to use your proxy to access the web, or use your proxy from work or school to access any web site. (Thanks, Sean!)

  • Bennett Haselton
    of Peacefire, who developed Circumventor, says:

    "For 90% of users in the USA affected by SmartFilter, there is no reason to use anything but Circumventor. The reasons are:

    1) It’s simple to set up. Just run three simple point-and-click installers. We even have a wizard that comes up automatically to help you set up port forwarding on your router if you’ve never done it before.
    2) You are not required to install anything on the "censored" computer, you just bring a URL in with you to work.
    3) It works even if the censored network blocks direct connections to IP addresses outside the network (which would break some of the other solutions recommended in this guide).

    "If you’re in Iran, Saudi Arabia, or some other country censored by SmartFilter, then your best choices are (a) TOR, or (b) use a Circumventor if you can get someone in a "free country" to set one up for you. (The reason Circumventor works for 90% of workplace-filtered users in the U.S. is that they can almost always set it up on their home computer and take the URL in with them. But not everybody in a censored *country* has someone outside who can help them.)

    "Circumventor is the *only* method (as far as I know) that will work reliably on computers where people are blocked from installing their own software (or even changing proxy settings) — because after you install it on your home computer, all it gives you is a URL, and you can take that URL in with you to work and use it whenever you want. Many people in workplaces and libraries are blocked from installing software on their computers. Or even if they could, it would be a definite ‘smoking gun’ if anyone noticed that the software had been installed; whereas our software leaves fewer traces. (There is a ‘smoking gun’ in the form of a URL in the URL history, but that’s much less likely to be noticed than a TOR icon on your desktop!)"

  • Rich
    says, "This cgi-bin script is the guts inside Peacefire’s Circumventor – a Perl CGI script that proxys for you. While Circumventor is a full script to get it working under Win2k/XP, the cgiproxy script alone lets you get it going on Linux and (presumeably) Mac OSX. And the best part – the setup is dirt simple – if you’re already running a web server, pretty much just drop it in your cgi-bin directory.

  • Access the TOR network. The more people who run Tor servers, the faster and more anonymous the network becomes.

  • Using an SSH tunnel, VPN, or anonymous overlay to an unfiltered network is widely considered to be the best way to protect yourself while accessing "prohibited" content. (Thanks, chris)

  • Chris says, "There is a new option in OpenSSH that allows for ethernet level tunneling using the kernel’s TUN interface. This is probably the most powerful solution if you have access to a friendly system to use as the end point of the tunnel. Manual for ssh, see -w option: Link. For ssh_config, see Tunnel option: Link. And one more way to use SSH as a tunnel is to with SOCKS: Link. osx example script: Link.

  • Breaking out of a Proxy Jail. Link (Thanks, Mutz!)

  • Try Daveproxy, and other services listed on the proxy list at together with AntiFirewall (a small app that tests proxies). (Thanks, Joao Barata!)

  • Try Java Anonymous Proxy. JAP uses the TOR network, and installation is pretty easy for non-nerds. (Thanks, Jonas)

  • The Bitty browser, while not initially designed as an anonymizing tool, has helped some of our readers work around corporate internet filters. (Thanks, Scott Matthews!)

  • Some of our readers have found the Coral Content Distribution Network (CCDN) helpful for evading internet blocks.
    Just add "" at the end of — for example, instead of typing to your browser’s address line, instead type (Thanks, Tian and Michael!)

  • Check out the regularly updated list of public proxy servers

  • For BoingBoing readers in the UAE or Qatar, or other countries where BoingBoing is blocked, one anonymous reader tells us: "There is an internet via satellite called OPENSKY sold through which goes around these problems. Using VPN with normal dialup, the signal gets sent back from Europe, so, uncensored. Works really well and is cheap!"

  • Andy Armstrong says, "I’ve also set up a proxy for boingboing at"

  • Ben says, "You can also set your home computer up for remote access. Windows XP has the components built in. If you run XP at home it will take you about 30 min to set up. You can find instructions here. Once you set up remote access you can use Zone Edit freeware to set up a static IP, even if you are on a cable modem. If you really want to go all out register a website for $5 and have that point to the Zone Edit IP address. I can hit my home computer from anywhere with web access, and have its full functionality, including censor-free web browsing."

  • Marcus Aurelius
    says, "This is how I dodged Etisalat’s (The UAE ISP and telco) proxy-server blacklist. It is only really useful for text-rich sites since it involves using Lynx a text browser."

  • Abdul Aziz
    says, "It’s a pain to know that countries and companies alike are blocking and censoring sites like Boing Boing. I face this at my office everyday. I’ve mentioned two ways on my site by which you can bypass these proxies and filters safely and securely without breaking any rules or arousing the network admin’s suspicions." Link


  • If possible, ask your system administrator to whitelist Sometimes network admins leave all the defaults on when they install enterprise filtering software. If they’re using SmartFilter, for example, the admin can selectively allow the domain, while keeping the rest of the entries for the "blocked" category in which BoingBoing is listed. Bribing your sysadmin with cartons of Skittles and Red Bull may expedite this option. (Thanks, mcsey!)


If you know of any good ways to defeat censorware, please send us your suggestion.