MORE ON PHIL BREDESEN and the Democrats in 2008, over at

UPDATE: Over at the MSNBC site linked above, I quote a piece from The New Republic on an antiwar “counter inaugural.” That leads reader John Lucas to write:

While these people are rooting for the enemy, here’s an excerpt from an e-mail from a guy who gets it:

“I truly see this as a battle between the forces of good and evil. How can anyone not? Good brings hope to a whole people that have never know any and evil cuts the heads off innocent civilians on tv. . . . We didn’t come here to rule an impoverished people or to gain riches for ourselves. We came here to try and win this one battle in what I am afraid is going to be a long and costly war that we have only begun to fight.”

That is from my 27-year old son who is currently fighting in Baghdad. I think that he has captured the essence of what is going on in a way that many “intellectuals” have missed. His may be the “Occam’s Razor” explanation of our national purpose.

We are in a war in which the enemy can only defeat us if they break our national will. It is being fought on the home front just as much as in Iraq.
