WELL, YES: Mike Pompeo: President Biden, it’s you – not Republicans – who’s bereft of ideas. “Unfortunately, your cheap rhetoric is emblematic of your unwillingness to obtain advice from anyone beyond your handlers. Mr. President, it is you who appears bereft of ideas to solve our nation’s crises. . . . Republicans believe that each life is precious and every person deserves respect, for each is a gift of God. Republicans believe that the free market is the engine of economic growth for America and all the world. True innovation and the unleashing of human potential are never accomplished by dictatorial bureaucrats, who fancy themselves the creators of tomorrow, though they cannot manage the present. Republicans believe that we must preserve our environment. American energy independence is necessary to ensure clean air, clean water and the vibrancy of our heartland and cities, for abundant power is essential to create the jobs and the prosperity necessary to address environmental concerns.”


Mr. President, you promised to burnish other nations’ respect for America, but you are the architect of the deadly and calamitous retreat from Afghanistan that has both armed and invigorated our country’s enemies. Republicans are for supporting friends like Israel, while you sit in Vienna with the butchers of Tehran negotiating with theocrats seeking to destroy Jerusalem, the birthplace of our Abrahamic traditions.

American energy independence is lost, for you put Russia and Saudi Arabia in charge, with predictable results. Inflation is rampant, and our economy is in tatters.

Will you change course, sir, or will you preside over the collapse of our principles, our traditions and our civil society?

Wait, I know the answer to this one.