RATHERGATE.COM says that CBS hasn’t done nearly enough by easing Dan Rather out of the anchor chair.

Meanwhile the mockery continues: “Dan Rather Scrambles to Confirm Story of His Resignation.” Heh.

Lots more here.

UPDATE: RatherBiased.com makes a good point:

While he would have preferred to retire after his 25th anniversary as anchor, the scuttlebutt inside CBS had Rather stepping down soon after the 2004 elections due to a combination of bad ratings, long-time affiliate discontent, and viewer dissatisfaction over CBS’s ‘Memogate’ story.

Frankly, it’s a shame that it has to end this way for Dan. In the end, he became the person he most despised, Richard Nixon. Had Rather and the CBS management been more serious about viewer input and fairness, they would never have had to stonewall about a story they shouldn’t have run.

Indeed. And, ironically enough, the overwhelming desire of both Rather and producer Mary Mapes to “get” Bush wound up helping him, and producing another bad week for the Kerry campaign.


Rather’s announcement is more like Ron Artest announcing his retirement, if only Artest would. Both Dan and Ron have consistently lowered the standards of their various games, and have recently taken to attacking their customers because the customers booed.
