COMPLETELY MEDIA MADE:  Yet Another Man-made Crisis.

I actually have friends who sail. Like sail across the Atlantic and pacific, for the heck of it.  And some years ago I started smelling a rat, at the hysteria over “floating islands of garbage” and the Denver Zoo’s cutesy display of plastic from the ocean and oh, the humanity!

The first rat I smelled is that none of these long term sailors had seen these islands. The second rat is that all the plastic in the displays was obviously not American.

Someone who reads my blog traced the pictures of the “floating islands.”  Would you believe carefully cropped photos of flood and tsunami debris?

I understand the beaches in Asia, where that “Ocean plastic” was harvested are pretty filthy — particularly in China — but beaches aren’t deep ocean.

In other words, guys, if after all their “climate is ending” hysteria, followed by Covidiocy you jump on this panic or believe a single word these chapeux-de-derrieres proclaim, you deserve to get it good and hard.

We’re not in a time for Trust but Verify. We’re in a time for “if the authorities tell you the sky is blue, assume it’s pink, or purple with polka dots, or any color but blue.” You will, alas, rarely be wrong.