ABORTION IS NO LAUGHING MATTER: Did you see the recent SNL skit in which Goober the Clown — aka Cecily Strong — told jokes and talked about how good abortion is between laughs. It’s just comedy, right? Well no, actually it tells us a lot, according to Natasha Crain, about how America’s secular culture has become so coarse while at the same time also being obsessed with virtue signaling.

And virtue signaling is not merely an ideological form of preening, Crain points out, it is rather part of a “psychological process of moral buy-in that secular culture must go through to gain acceptance of a changed moral position: awareness, normalization, then celebration.”

I missed Crain’s post when it first appeared earlier this month, but this is important stuff and she has an abundance of insights about it that make her well worth your knowing. And, my spiritual skeptic friends here on Instapundit, be forewarned — Crain makes no bones about being a Christian, but I’m 99 percent certain you will find much to agree with in her analysis.