PJ MEDIA VIP ROUNDUP: Don’t forget that VODKAPUNDIT promo code if you’ve been thinking of joining us.

Bryan Preston: It’s Not Your Imagination. Joe Biden Really Is Weakening the United States. “When the going gets tough, because another of his deliberate policy decisions has caused the nation and the world major problems, Biden calls a lid.”

Megan Fox: Is Someone Finally Giving Cancel Culture A Taste of Its Own Medicine? “What we want to do at Unsilenced Majority is to provide a counterbalance. And so these corporations understand that if they go woke there’s gonna be consequences from everyday Americans.” (Silence is violence, the Left keeps telling us…)

Yours Truly: Close Encounters of the Blasé Kind. “There’s another scenario for humanity’s first contact with aliens, only it might not be science fiction: Suppose alien ships were buzzing our aircraft and Navy ships over the oceans, giving us nothing more than tantalizing glimpses of their impossible (to us) flying machines? Suppose, even more fantastically, that humanity’s response was a collective yawn?”