MICHAEL TOTTEN has a gallery of photos from antiwar protests around the world. Here’s another, from San Francisco.

UPDATE: More here, plus a sign calling for U.S. troops to mutiny. Treasonous isn’t really too strong a word for this sort of thing, you know. For all the talk of dissent-crushing, this is the sort of thing that would have led to arrest, or mob violence, in most previous wars. Now it’s barely noticed. That says something for the openness of American society, or the inconsequential nature of the antiwar movement. Or maybe both.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Highly observant reader John Hohman notes that you can see one of the guys with the “mutiny” sign, above, in this video by Evan Coyne Maloney from the January protests, beginning at about 2’15” time. He seems to be right. Keep watching, as the same guy appears again later on.