IF COLD WAR II GOES HOT: China building space missiles and lasers to ‘blind’ US satellites, intel report says.

The Pentagon has already identified China’s growing ASAT weapons capabilities. A 2019 Pentagon report states, “Multiple attack options—cyber, electronic, or directed-energy weapons; anti-satellite missiles; or space-based weapons—enable potential adversaries to achieve a range of damaging effects.”

The portion of the report continues, stating, “China has already fielded ground-based ASAT missiles intended to destroy satellites in [Low Earth Orbit] and ground-based ASAT lasers probably intended to blind or damage sensitive space-based optical sensors on LEO satellites.”

Broadly describing China’s strategic goals, the report states the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is continuing “whole-of-government efforts to spread China’s influence, undercut that of the United States, drive wedges between Washington and its allies and partners, and foster new international norms that favor the authoritarian Chinese system.”

Biden, Inc.’s business partners are nasty people.