THE NEW YORK TIMES BAGHDAD CORRESPONDENT CARRIES A GUN: I’m okay on that, as he obviously believes that he needs it for protection in a dangerous place.

I just want to note the irony, given the Times’ manifest hostility to American citizens who want to carry guns for protection — especially since, according to this report, anyway the murder rate in Baghdad is actually lower than in NYC.

Perhaps one day the Times will come to regard gun-carrying in New York as a matter of legitimate self-protection. And in the meantime, I’m more worried about other gun-toting Times employees in Baghdad.

UPDATE: Tim Lambert notes that the Baghdad study is by John Lott, which I hadn’t noticed. He says it’s bogus, but since Lambert — though he’s made good points from time to time — would pronounce John Lott’s grocery list bogus (“It says Skippy, but he bought JIF!) I don’t know what to make of it, and it’s after 11 and I’m tired. Make up your own mind. I link — you think. At least while I’m still grading exams. . . .