CALIFORNIA DISSIDENTS STRIKE BACK: Group Responsible for 405 Trump Sign Comes Forward With Killer Pro-Trump Campaign Ad. “On October 6th, 2020 Los Angeles woke up to a giant TRUMP sign in the foothills overlooking one of the busiest stretches of road in the United States, the 405 freeway. The sign was immediately removed by the City of Los Angeles, citing traffic hazard worries, despite being on private land. Although the antics made national news, no one came forward to claim responsibility for the sign. Until now.”

The video is here.

Plus: “If you had asked me in 2018 if I thought there was any chance in hell Trump could flip the Golden State I’d have said you were out of your mind for even suggesting it. In March of this year I changed my mind, and published an article predicting the possibility of a flip for Trump. That was before lockdowns, before school closures, before Uber and Lyft were threatening to leave the state, before businesses closed, before riots and looting, before Defund the Police…even before all these horrors California was feeling ripe for a flip, mainly due to the horrific AB5 law that decimated the gig economy and eliminated nearly 300 job categories overnight. I’d never seen so many true blue Democrats ready to cross the aisle. It’s only gotten worse here.”

If the Democrats lose California, it’ll be a self-inflicted wound, brought on by arrogance and ineptitude. Of course the arrogance and ineptitude are still there whether they lose or not.