DISPATCHES FROM THE EDUCATION APOCALYPSE: They keep trying to cancel this conservative professor. He refuses to back down.

“The actual process approved by the political science department is chilling: a single faculty member with an axe to grind against another can propose a statement of condemnation against the other’s extramural statements,” Schalin wrote. “…Given this political climate, the new process is a blueprint for condemnation of legitimate scholarship based on ideological reasons.”

For his part, Gilley has the receipts — he used a Freedom of Information Act request to gain access to all his peers’ hand-wringing over him and posted them on his personal website under the heading “The PSU ‘Diversity’ Investigation.”

Also, true to form, he’s not worried.

“The key point here is this is totally illegal and unenforceable and the department knows it,” Gilley told The College Fix in an interview.

But the action is another big red flag, he added.

“The academic left has realized the revolution can only go so far, so they need to come up with technical reasons to sanction faculty who are not toeing the party line,” Gilley said.

But Gilley is not slowing down. He is working to find a new publisher for his book and also recently launched a “Critiques of BLM Reading Group” for college students. Predictably, the reading group drew backlash within academia. That hasn’t stopped Gilley from offering it.

He’s also got his share of supporters, too. A Change.org petition titled “Vindicate Dr. Bruce Gilley’s Personal and Professional Reputation” has more than 4,000 signatures.

Read the whole thing. As a wise community organizer advises, get in their faces, and punch back twice as hard.