COMEDY BREAK: Ecstatic teen opens his first-ever paycheck, learns what taxes are, is absolutely crushed (video).

As P.J. O’Rourke wrote in his 1995 book, Age and Guile Beat Youth, Innocence, and a Bad Haircut, In 1970, “I got a job. It wasn’t much of a job. I was a messenger. But it brought in $150 a week and that was wealth as far as I was concerned. We were paid fortnightly. I waited greedily for my $300. But when my pay envelope arrived I found, after federal, state, and city taxes had been deducted and social security, health insurance, and pension plan payments had been made, only $160 was left. I began yelling. ‘I’m a revolutionary! I’ve been a revolutionary since I went to college! I’ve demonstrated! I’ve rioted! I’ve done everything I could to overthrow capitalism! And what do I find when I get my first paycheck from a capitalist company? COMMUNISM!!!’ Of course, it was several years before the implications of what I yelled sank in. At that age I wasn’t listening to anyone, myself included.”