VEEPSTAKES: It’s Kamala Harris, Isn’t It? “More than any presidential candidate in history, including both Bushes, Biden needs a veep who can articulate in ways that he simply can’t. But Harris has a speaking style that is pure laid-back California surfer girl. Rather than clearly articulate a vision or excite the crowds with a rousing speech, she slowly carves some bitchin’ bromides.”

Much more at the link.

ALSO, FOR OUR VIP SUPPORTERS: Remember Joe Biden? “What’s funny — well, what’s new and funny today — is that Biden can’t even talk about his veep pick process without grabbing it by the shoulders from behind and whispering sweet nothings in its ear.”

That one is just for our VIP members, and I hope you’ll use that VODKAPUNDIT discount code if you’ve been thinking of becoming a supporter.