UNREASONING HATRED IS A BAD LOOK, AND MAKES YOU STUPID: The Left’s Ugly Reaction to Hydroxychloroquine. “Trump probably owns less than $100 of Sanofi stock in one of his mutual funds. If things go well, say he triples his position, Trump will be taking in upwards of $300. Art of the Deal, indeed. . . . Can you imagine any major publication running a piece linking Barack Obama’s praise of GM’s heavily subsidized electric-car manufacturing to a thousand bucks in a mutual fund? Nor should it escape your attention that the New York Times will assign four reporters to write an amateurish hit job, but not a single one to mention serious rape allegations against the leading Democratic Party presidential candidate by a former staffer.”

Even Snopes is debunking the Trump-is-profiteering-on-hydroxychloroquine claims. I used to laugh at the crazed conspiracy theories that flourished among illiterate third-worlders. Not anymore.

Meanwhile, how many people may die because of this misinformation — or perhaps disinformation would be a better term? Why does the New York Times want people to die?