THOUGHTS ON CANCELLING SXSW: “Imagine you just lost your free boondoggle to Hawaii or London or whatever you people enjoy. It is a lot like that for us.”

Plus: “We’ve been practicing social distancing. Remembering not to shake hands takes practice, so don’t wait until your city is scouting for pauper graveyards to start doing it. Notwithstanding our first preference for Japanese-style bowing, without, of course, the silly hierarchy — we are Americans, goddamn it! — in our nerdy circles the Vulcan greeting, accompanied by ‘live long and prosper,’ seems to combine hep n’ cool irony with an actually relevant message, the sort of best wishes that are suddenly top of mind.”

Also: “The world’s economy is stopping like a car door slamming, do not believe otherwise. Why? Because nobody wants to kill their grandmother, or Willie Nelson.” That won’t last, but it’ll require careful management.