After a tense 30-minute segment finished taping at WDSU’s studios in New Orleans, the two candidates were preparing to leave. According to witnesses, Landrieu looked over her shoulder and told Terrell, “This is your last campaign.”

A stunned Terrell replied, “She threatened me.”

No other words passed between the two New Orleans women, but moderator Alec Gifford said Landrieu appeared peeved.

“She just kind of stalked out of the studio,” Gifford said.

I think that if somebody tries to assassinate Terrell, it will be Landrieu’s fault. And if somebody tries to assassinate George Bush, it will be because of all the claims that he’s a “boy emperor” who was never elected, and seized power in a “coup.” Will we hear criticisms from Daschle then?

Can the sarcasm here get any thicker?

I do think, though, that Daschle will wish he’d kept his mouth shut last week, because those remarks of his have primed to pump to make Landrieu’s “threat” a big issue in the coming week. Another Democratic Senatorial candidate on the defensive because of bungling by Democratic Party bigshots –go figure! It’s as if they just don’t want to win.

UPDATE: Reader Robert Racansky sends this link in answer to Daschle’s remarks.