HE HATES YOU. HE REALLY HATES YOU: Don Lemon Digs a Deeper Hole with His Terrible Apology, Denying Obvious Bigotry.

Related (From Ed): Name another industry that demonstrates that much open contempt for its potential customers Or as they say at the Washington Post,Yeah, I’m in the media, screw you.”

Ed Morrissey adds that, not surprisingly, RNC quickly drops new campaign ad off CNN elitist faceplant. “Get ready for more iterations on this theme, because these claims will only get more and more prevalent as we get closer to November. The Democratic convention in July will likely have their video editors busy for weeks cutting new versions of this ad. By that time, the fact that both Democrats and the media haven’t learned that calling people idiots and racists isn’t an effective selling point will be revealing enough about the true issues of mental capacity in this market.”