FLORIDA MAN FRIDAY: From the ridiculous to the heartwarming and back again, it’s a very special Christmas spirit edition.

Plus, for PJMedia’s VIP members: Navy Saved Money with Touch-Screen Controls, Sailors Paid with Their Lives. “Sanchez had planned to have the system’s programmers ‘give the system a full check, a full clean bill of health,’ but the collision occurred, killing ten of his sailors, before that could happen. What did happen was just ugly. On August 21, 2017, the McCain was sailing the crowded shipping lanes 20 miles from Singapore. Sanchez was on the bridge, monitoring the situation, with Bordeaux in charge of steering the ship (via touchscreen controls) while another sailor manned the virtual throttle. But something went wrong, whether with the under-trained sailors, the touchscreen controls, or the system itself. Whatever the case, the McCain did not respond correctly to course adjustments.”

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