#AMAZONSHITCARSHOW RETURNS: The Grand Tour: Amazon Drops Trailer For Special Featuring Jeremy Clarkson & Co. On Boats.

The feature-length episode is the first in a sequence of specials the team is making for Amazon Prime Video after they decided last year to ditch The Grand Tour‘s studio format, set in a tent, and concentrate on a series of adventures.

Although they have parked their cars, the Seamen episode features many familiar format points, from the presenters showcasing the boats they have chosen, to racing challenges, collisions and unfortunate break downs.

For their journey along the Mekong Delta, Clarkson recreates a Vietnam war-era Patrol Boat River, Hammond charters a Miami Vice-style speedboat, while May enjoys a 1939 wooden river cruiser.

Earlier: Season Three of Amazon’s ‘Grand Tour’ Concludes.

(Classical reference in headline.)