WILL COLLIER: The Republican SCIF Invasion and the Law. “Bringing your phone into a secure facility is a violation, but not necessarily a major one.”

Today’s Republican excursion into protest theater in the Capitol, wherein a large number of GOP members rushed the Intelligence Committee’s Secure Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) without first putting away their cell phones, has generated an . . . interesting response among left-wing Twitter.

Among the more histrionic responses came from self-described “Multimedia Journalist” David Leavitt, who issued this demanded: “Every @GOP member who invaded the SCIF should be taken into custody by the Capitol Police & questioned by the FBI to determine if they’re serving a foreign intelligence service. They should also be removed from the House until the investigation is completed & votes out of office.”

Well. Having spent the better part of 20 years working in SCIFs every day myself, I have some experience with these matters. Let’s take a moment to unpack this a bit before calling in the marshal of the Supreme Court.

A “heh” to the Classical Reference, and a “read the whole thing” to the rest.