CHRETIEN UPDATE: Here’s a column from the Toronto Sun:

Why on earth would Prime Minister Jean Chretien blame America for terrorist attacks on not only the U.S., but Western civilization in a CBC-TV interview scheduled to run on or around Sept. 11 — a day of remembrance and dedication.

And make no mistake — it was America he was slamming, using the euphemism of blaming “arrogant, self-satisfied, greedy” western countries for “humiliation” that provokes others to resort to terror. . . .

That Chretien resents America and President Bush may well be because they make him look weak and petty.

Chretien can’t inspire others, except those who depend on him for favours. He has disarmed Canada, made us utterly dependent on America for security, and resents it.

Increasingly, Canadians want Chretien gone. The longer he sticks around, the greater the likelihood that the Liberal party will suffer. Chretien has become a national embarrassment.

Americans and Canadians should be equally upset at his boorishness.

No prime minister in our history would have been so crass as to snipe at America the way Chretien has on such a poignant date in its history. It will encourage many Americans to resent Canada and wonder what warrants such hatred from a Canadian PM.

“Weak and petty” seems about right. Until the other day, my attitude on Chretien was Bogartesque — I probably would have despised him, if I had given him any thought. Then he made sure that I gave him thought.

(Via Max Jacobs).