MEDIA JUST MAKING STUFF UP: Here’s ABC News Chief Political Analyst Matthew Dowd:

And here is some actual data. Netanyahu’s favorability/unfavorability rating among Jewish Americans: 45 percent favorable/38 percent unfavorable. This isn’t even the same universe as “eighty percent opposed.”

As for Trump, the most recent poll shows American Jewish disapproval at 69%. Note that this is “disapproval,” not “opposition,” though at least 69 percent is in the same general galaxy as 80%. (Note that Jews being disproportionately urban, coastal, irreligious, and concentrated in blue states demographically one would expect them to be significantly less approving of Trump than the population as a whole, Jewishness aside).

Anyway, what does it tell you when a “big 3” network’s chief political analyst just feels free to make things up that are contrary to easily obtainable data?