DESPERATELY SEEKING MOOTNESS: New York City Asks Supreme Court to Drop Gun Case: Request comes after city loosens restrictions on transporting firearms. “Earlier this year, in what would be its first gun-rights case in about a decade, the high court said it would hear a lawsuit filed by the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, a gun-rights group affiliated with the National Rifle Association. The gun-rights group sued New York City and its police department, saying city rules that block some gun-permit holders from transporting handguns to second homes or ranges outside the city are unconstitutional and violate the Second Amendment. . . . In a letter last week, New York City Assistant Corporation Counsel Richard Dearing told the Supreme Court’s clerk that there is no longer a ‘controversy because the new city regulation gives petitioners everything they have sought in this lawsuit.'”

They probably saw the amicus brief that I, Randy Barnett, et al., filed in the case and realized they were doomed. . . .