I’D TAKE HIS “THE TWO PARTY SYSTEM IS AWFUL” STANCE MORE SERIOUSLY IF HE WEREN’T TRAILING BADLY IN THE PRIMARY POLL AS A REPUBLICAN: Justin Amash Slams The Trump GOP. Vox, of course, loves the idea of a third party that will siphon off enough votes to elect democrats.

And there’s this: “I started to hear [the word] nationalism more and more. And that’s a concept that really is about a love for your people simply by virtue of being your people, not related to any principles you hold or what your country stands for, what ideals you’re striving for.”

Yes, Justin. Voters like the idea that the people who govern them are loyal to them. Nationalism is unpopular with elites because it involves such loyalty, and loyalty to one’s own people limits one’s options in ways that our governing class finds unacceptable. I don’t think supporting the governing class here is either principled or libertarian. (Bumped).