THIS WILL END WELL: The Real World Is Starting To Resemble Twitter, And That’s A Problem. Don’t fool yourself. You’re not the new MLK. You’re just a insufferable jerk:

“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station,” said Rep. Maxine Waters, erstwhile outlier of the irrational hateful Left and now-hero of the Resistance, “you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” Create a crowd, huh? Not welcome anywhere? That’s a tough spot.

Now, should it even be said that if any conservative had called for mobs to badger Democrats when they’re at the supermarket, the nation would be thrust into a national dialogue about the growing and perilous incivility on the Right. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking hypocrites contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared. Every Republican politician on Earth would be asked to condemn these comments.

Why am I speculating? This is exactly what happened during the peaceful Tea Party protests.

And also during the George W. Bush administration by the time of his reelection year, as the late Charles Krauthammer wrote in the summer of 2004.