JILL ABRAMSON, VOODOO PRIESTESS: Michael Walsh spots an astonishing admission from Abramson, the “first, and so far, last, female editor of the New York Times [who] has found a second career as a spokeswoman for the lunatic Left:”

It’s easy to look at what’s happening in Washington DC and despair. That’s why I carry a little plastic Obama doll in my purse. I pull him out every now and then to remind myself that the United States had a progressive, African American president until very recently. Some people find this strange, but you have to take comfort where you can find it in Donald Trump’s America.

Read the whole thing. I wonder if Abramson ever commiserates with Sally Quinn, the widow of the Washington Post’s Ben Bradlee, who recently admitted to a life-long obsession with Ouija boards, talismans, and magical incantations.

I’m pretty sure that Ayn Rand didn’t write The Return of the Primitive as a how-to guide for east coast elitists. But I do know that Mary Katharine Ham did predict the omnipresent Obama doll back in 2008: