PERSONNEL IS POLICY: There Are 633 Key Administration Positions. Trump Hasn’t Appointed Nominees for 252 of Them. “In many cases, that means career government employees from the Obama administration are filling the mid-level positions on an interim basis.”

Trump has no nominee for 252 of the 633 key positions requiring Senate confirmation, according to the Partnership for Public Service, which tracks presidential appointments. That’s well behind every predecessor going back to at least President George H.W. Bush, each of whom had the bulk of nominees confirmed by this point in their administration, according to the organization.

The Senate, where the Democratic minority has held up many nominees, has confirmed 241 Trump nominees, while another 136 nominations are pending.

“President Trump has yet to fill key political policy and management jobs across the government, ranging from the IRS, to the Census Bureau and the Drug Enforcement Administration, to important diplomatic positions such as the ambassador to South Korea,” Max Stier, CEO of the Partnership for Public Service, told The Daily Signal in a statement.

There might not be much the White House can do to speed things up in the Senate, but there’s less excuse for not even naming names for 40% of key positions.