● Shot: The View’s Host Joy Behar: “I am being told by God to save this country.”

Right Wing News, Saturday.

● Chaser:

While Behar was raised Catholic, she now identifies as agnostic. She jokingly said she lost her faith when she “went to the Commie school Queens College.” She told Father Edward Beck on an ABC News “Focus on Faith” interview: “I’m sustained by my family, my life, my brain. But I don’t believe there’s an afterlife.” (March 17, 2011). In the same interview, she said: “I never gave her [my daughter] any religion, because I felt that I was brainwashed. . . . This is what I didn’t want my daughter to have. So that’s why I didn’t want her to go to Catholic school or learn any of that.”

“I’m pathetically pragmatic. . . . I don’t believe that there’s a higher power that created human beings.”

—Joy Behar in an interview with Father Edward Beck on ABC News, “Focus on Faith,” March 17, 2011.

As found at the Freedom from Religion Foundation Website.