NEWS YOU CAN ABUSE: How to Have a ‘Woke’ Thanksgiving According to Newsweek.

Why on earth would Newsweek ask that its readers argue with their less “woke” relatives, when the publication assured us in 2009 that “We Are All Socialists Now?”

And if you’re on the receiving end of the said wokeness, Ace of Spades has you covered: Thanksgivingship: How To Survive Your Dull-Witted Progressive Adultchildren Relatives Who’ve Been Reading Vox and Buzzfeed Articles About How to Survive You. Exit quote:

However, for the zealous Thanksgivingman, even an apology can be exploited for further Thanksgivingmanship points.

For example, if the childanimal you are speaking with declares:

“You’re micro-aggressing me.”

…then be sure to respond,

“Ah, then please sincerely accept my most micro apologies.”

Heh, indeed.™