THE PEOPLE’S FLAG IS DEEPEST RED: It is the Centenary of the October Revolution today (owing to Russia using the old Julian Calendar then). Here’s David Satter in the Wall Street Journal:

The Bolshevik coup had two consequences. In countries where communism came to hold sway, it hollowed out society’s moral core, degrading the individual and turning him into a cog in the machinery of the state. Communists committed murder on such a scale as to all but eliminate the value of life and to destroy the individual conscience in survivors.

But the Bolsheviks’ influence was not limited to these countries. In the West, communism inverted society’s understanding of the source of its values, creating political confusion that persists to this day.

RTWT. It is probably because of the lasting effect of that second consequence that we see that more Millennials would prefer to live in a socialist country than a capitalist one. As the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation notes,

It seems that the majority of America’s largest generation would prefer to live in a socialist or communism society than in a free enterprise system that respects the rule of law, private property, and limited government. This is even more disconcerting when coupled with the fact that, despite Millennials’ enthusiasm for socialism and communism, they do not, in fact, know what those terms mean.

We have a lot to do.