
It wasn’t so long ago that things were completely crazy, when guests at cocktail parties chatted about strategies for dealing with muggers (it was widely believed that you should always carry what we called ”mugger money” so as not to anger your attackers). Those who were brave enough to park cars on city streets made sure to remove the stereos when they parked, then place “No radio, nothing valuable in car” signs on their dashboards.

—“NYC, July 1993,” Kyle Smith, the New York Post, July 21, 2013.


In San Francisco, where no automobile parked on the street is immune from glass-smashing thieves, some people have taken to posting signs on car windows announcing that there are no valuables inside.

The hope, of course, is that a thief will read the notice and decide: “Huh. No valuables in this one.I guess I’ll break into some other car.”

On Tuesday, a Reddit user posted a photo of such a sign and posed the question “Do you think it works?” to the Reddit community. A lively debate ensued.

— “Does placing a ‘no valuables inside’ sign in a car window deter break-ins? Car burglaries are at epidemic levels in San Francisco,” the San Francisco Chronicle, yesterday.

Why are Democrat-controlled cities such cesspits of theft and destruction?