BUT OF COURSE IT DOES. CNN COMMENTARY INCORPORATES A RARE MEDIA-MYTH TWOFER, W. Joseph Campbell writes at his Media Myth Alert blog, spotting CNN combine to classic self-serving media myths – that Ed Murrow brought down McCarthy, and Cronkite toppled LBJ:

Deep in his essay, Zelizer acknowledges that it is “much too early to tell” whether anti-Trump commentary by some conservative pundits “will turn into something bigger and more sustained, or if the majority of the coverage on these [conservative] outlets remains pro-Trump.” He takes a swipe at those news outlets, citing a New York Times commentary in stating that “most of the conservative media still clings to an ‘alternative reality’ that fits President Trump’s own narrative.”

“Alternative reality”? What are media myths if not expressions of “alternative reality”?

Heh, indeed. Read the whole thing.™