UK commentator Rod Liddle rather bitterly sums up what he says is the message from the BBC broadcasting this morning. Excerpt:

We must all come together. Hope, not hate. Nothing to do with Islam. Nothing to do with Muslims. Just a rogue individual, possibly in the employ of some mysterious foreign agency. Just terrorism, bad people. Unaligned wickedness. Nothing to do with religion. We must all come together. And show love. And solidarity. Hope not hate.

Je Suis Ariana Grande. Already viciousness is being expressed on social media sites. People jumping to all sorts of conclusions. Horrible, horrible, people – no better than the murderer. Who might just as easily have been a Methodist. Remember Jo Cox? That wasn’t them, was it? There, you see.

Keep reading, to discover Slate blaming Manchester on — who else — “the established heteropatriarchal order.”

Meanwhile, with the Eiffel Tower going dark in sympathy (seemingly a monthly occurrence these days, between Earth Hour and terrorism), Iowahawk tweets, “Fear our tastefully somber symbolic gestures, bloodthirsty zombie caveman rapists.”

Finally, when Morrissey, an aging gay vegan animal rights-obsessed mope-rocker is a nation’s voice of sanity, perhaps it’s time for England to question its premises*, to coin a phrase:

* Nope, not just yet, alas.