DRUDGE: Trump Should Do An Interview With Oprah.

President Trump should expand his media presence beyond Twitter and do an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Matt Drudge suggested Friday.

“I would sit down and give an interview with Oprah,” Drudge said on “The Savage Nation” radio show. “Do you know in the ’80s he did and she melted in his presence? The audience of women melted in his presence.”

“Now, that doesn’t mean he changes his policies … but why not do a little bit more to reach out to the other half?” he added.

Drudge said that Twitter “feeds the junkies” and caters to a small group of people, but by setting up an interview with the talk show star, Trump could reach a larger audience and do more to sell his political agenda.

So long as it turns out better than his interview with Connie Chung. “There was a level of unprofessionalism. It was like you’re being interviewed by a child.”