FAKE NEWS: GIULIANI EXPLAINS THAT TRUMP’S IMMIGRATION ORDER ISN’T A MUSLIM BAN, headline says Giuliani admitted that Trump’s executive order on immigration is a “Muslim ban.”

So, no, Giuliani did not say that President Trump asked him how to do a Muslim ban legally, but how to exclude jihadists without banning Muslims generally. And in fact, both of Trump’s executive orders (temporarily) exclude people from countries whose Muslim populations make up less than 10 percent of the world’s Muslim population.

This is not a commentary on the wisdom of the executive orders, which I find to be both over-inclusive in excluding people who are no threat to the United States, and under-inclusive in that they fail to cover countries such as Pakistan and Saudi Arabia that are home to many radical Islamists. But the idea that Giuiliani “admitted” that the executive orders were “really” a Muslim ban relies on what is at best a tendentious interpretation of his interview.

At best.