DENNIS PRAGER: Some on the Left Now Criticize the Students They Created.

Take New York Times columnist Frank Bruni. His latest column is filled with dismay over the way Middlebury College students attacked Charles Murray and a liberal woman professor who interviewed him (she was injured by the rioters).

I have no doubt that Bruni is sincere. However, sincerity is completely unrelated to wisdom or insight.

Here’s the problem:

It is the left that transformed universities into the moral and intellectual wastelands most are now.

It is the left that created the moral monsters known as left-wing students who do not believe in free speech, let alone tolerance.

It is the left that has taught generations of young Americans that America is essentially a despicable society that is racist and xenophobic to its core.

It is the left that came up with the lie that the university has been overrun by a “culture of rape.”

It is the left that taught generations of Americans that everyone on the right is sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, racist and bigoted.

It is the left that is anti-intellectual, teaching students to substitute feelings for reason.

It is the left that removed the portrait of Shakespeare hanging in the English department of the University of Pennsylvania because Shakespeare is a white male, thereby teaching college students that art is not measured by excellence or by the pursuit of truth but by race, gender and class.

Sadly, the entire nation must reap what leftwing educators have sown.