I’M JUST WILD ABOUT HARRY: Senate advances DeVos’s nomination, setting her up for final vote.

Senators voted 52-48 to advance DeVos’s nomination. No Democrats voted yes.

The vote, which came during a rare Friday session, sets up lawmakers to take a final vote early next week.

Vice President Pence is expected to have to break a 50-50 tie, the first time a vice president will cast the deciding vote on a Cabinet nomination.

Senate rules require an extra 30 hours of debate before senators can confirm DeVos. If Democrats refuse to yield back time and drag out the procedural clock, they could push a final vote until Tuesday.

Republicans have no room for error to clear DeVos, with GOP Sens. Susan Collins (Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) saying they’ll vote against her.

If it weren’t for Harry Reid and his “nuclear option,” Trump would be shopping for a new Education nominee right now. Instead, it looks likely the DeVos will just squeak through.

Thanks, Harry!