HOWIE CARR: President’s ‘dark’ speech a ray of light for millions.

My favorite was when the new president said, “Washington has prospered, but the people have not.”

Amen. Every time you come down here, all you see is cranes and construction. Doesn’t matter if there’s a recession or prosperity — D.C. grows, or maybe the word is “metastasize.” As in cancer.

“Power is being transferred to the people,” he said. Instead of people, he could have said “deplorables,” but everybody knew who he was talking about.

Another great line: ripping the public education system as being “flush with cash” while children go uneducated. How many years have you heard these teachers’ unions and educrats talking about how they need more of your tax money “for the children.”

How out of touch can anyone be to be offended by a president who says: “It is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.”

Read the whole thing.