THE LEFT: WALLS FOR ME, BUT NOT FOR THEE. In “It’s Still a Mad, Mad California,” Victor Davis Hanson writes:

Feral California out here is a live-and-let-live place, a libertarian’s dream (or nightmare). The staggering costs for its illegality are made up by the shrinking few who nod as they always have and follow the law in all its now-scary manifestations.

The rich on the coast tune out. From her nest in Rancho Mirage, a desert oasis created by costly water transfers, outgoing senator Barbara Boxer rails about water transfers. When Jerry Brown leaves his governorship, he will not live in Bakersfield but probably in hip Grass Valley. High crime, the flight of small businesses, and water shortages cannot bound the fences of Nancy Pelosi’s Palladian villa or the security barriers and walls of Mark Zuckerberg and other Silicon Valley billionaires — who press for more regulation, and for more compassion for the oppressed, but always from a distance and always from the medieval assumption that their money and privilege exempt them from the consequences of their idealism. There is no such thing as an open border for a neighbor of Mr. Zuckerberg or of Ms. Pelosi.

A final window into the California pathology: Most of the most strident Californians who decry Trump’s various proposed walls insist on them for their own residences.

Which brings us to the today’s headline in the London Daily Mail, set in a another far left bubble on the opposite coast: “Now Obama’s building a wall! Workers put the finishing touches to a brick barrier around $5million DC mansion where Barack, Michelle and Sasha will live after leaving the White House.”

As Peggy Noonan wrote early last year on the rise of Trump, “There are the protected and the unprotected. The protected make public policy. The unprotected live in it.” Naturally, Obama and the Silicon Valley grandees who enabled his rise to the top want their walls and their armed protection, even as they conspire to keep the rest of us unsafe.