IT’S COME TO THIS: GRAY LADY ACCUSES TRUMP OF STALKING MUSLIM KIDS IN THEIR DREAMS. “The Times is so busy writing its standard ‘Muslims are victims’ piece that it inadvertently exposes a larger truth: that many Muslims who emigrate here to escape their hostile culture are inculcating the very same hostile culture in their children. Maaria’s family are truly radical Islamists – not only is the mother a Hijabi, but their young 7-year-old daughter is made to cover up as well.  That exceeds even what is required in many fundamentalist Middle Eastern countries.  It’s radical even for Islamic radicals, which is saying something. We should be more concerned about Maaria being indoctrinated into following sharia law than that liberal propaganda is giving her bad dreams.  But the Times has different priorities.”

Read the whole thing.

To be fair, it’s pretty safe to say the Times’ article is a serious case of projection, considering that he’s also living rent-free in their columnists’ heads as well.
