MAYBE IT’S WITH HER MISSING EMAILS: Hey, what happened to Hillary Clinton’s middle-class tax cut?

So why isn’t Hillary campaigning hard on her own middle-class tax cut, as Leonhardt suggests? One theory: Clinton long ago assumed she would be the 45th POTUS, and has been running on more of a governing agenda. No need to “pander” so much.

And along those lines, perhaps she sees infrastructure spending as a better use for taxpayer dough than pricey middle-class tax cuts. Perhaps she buys the reasoning of Democratic economist Larry Summers: “In the short run, expanded infrastructure investment would put people to work, create demand, and move the economy forward. In the medium run, it would expand the economy’s capacity, and reduce [debt] burdens on my children.”

Cutting taxes allows people to keep more of their own money, and decide how to spend it themselves. “Investing” in ill-defined infrastructure keeps the decision-making power with our betters in Washington.