NEW CLINTON EMAIL FIGHT: Bill Clinton’s schedules.

State revealed the existence of the large collection of Bill Clinton schedules after the RNC made an unusual legal move last month, asking a federal judge to declare that the former president’s schedules should be released in their entirety because the former president worked closely with State officials and his post-presidency office is funded with taxpayer dollars. The GOP also pointed to the ethical controversy over the Clinton Foundation soliciting donations abroad while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.

“The record … reflects that State Department officials and Clinton Foundation officials worked essentially hand in glove, coordinating President Clinton’s schedule and whom he would speak with, as well as talking points and even briefings with regard to political ramifications of certain meetings or events,” wrote Jason Torchinsky, an attorney for the RNC. “The electronic calendar records at issue here merely are a function of, and inextricably intertwined with, that coordinated effort with the federal agency officials.”

While the thousands of pages of Bill Clinton’s schedules could provide ample fodder for opposition researchers at the RNC, it’s uncertain whether the GOP will get its hands on many of them before the November election.

You can be sure that a Clinton DOJ would show just as much integrity and impartiality on this matter as the Obama DOJ was in handling the Clinton email saga.