CUE THE BEASTIE BOYS SONG: Sabotage in Cleveland: The Melania Trump Speech, claims Steve Schale, who served on Obama’s 2008 and 2012 campaigns in Florida:

I’ve written a fair number of speeches in my career. Anyone worth their salt who has written understands the intentional nature of speechwriting — particularly a speech designed to be delivered to a major audience. Every word, every pause, and every transition is considered. You play it out in your head — you have the principal practice it. Nothing is unintentional. Nothing. Ever.

Whoever wrote Melania Trump’s speech knew what they were doing — they were sabotaging the moment. They wrote a speech that they knew cribbed not only from Michelle Obama, but also from Rick Astley — the latter of which is the dead giveaway. And honeslty [sic] if they didn’t do it as intentional sabotage, then the Trump campaign is a bigger goat show than we all thought.

“The ‘tell’ isn’t the plagiarized part; it’s the Rick Roll… It’s like they signed their work.” Mike Cosper of The Harbor Institute for Faith & Culture tweets:

Related: Lewandowski knifes Manafort: If he signed off on a plagiarized speech, he should resign.